Ramadan fasting to commence on 4 April 2022

Fasting will commence on 4 April 2022 as the new moon of the month of Ramadan was not sighted on Saturday 2 April 2022 (29 Shaban 1443H).

Taraweeh (optional prayers during Ramadan) will commence at the Hamilton Masjid at 921 Heaphy Terrace, Claudelands, after Isha (night prayers) on Sunday 3 April. Facilities are available for ladies to pray Isha and Taraweeh in the main prayer hall. Wudu facilities for ladies are available in the madrassa building due to ongoing renovations in the masjid building.

Daylight saving ends on Sunday 3 April 2022, meaning clocks move back by one hour. Please check the impact on prayer times here and fasting times here.

There will be a limited daily Iftar (breaking fast) at the Hamilton Masjid due to COVID-19 restrictions. Dates and water will be served. No other food will be provided. The daily cost will be $100. People interested in donating can make a deposit in the following account: 02-0312-0143860-001 (reference: Iftar 2022).

Zakaat ul Fitr is a form of charity distributed to the poor at the end of Ramadan so that they can enjoy Eid ul Fitr. 

Paying Zakaat ul Fitr is Waajib (mandatory) on every Muslim, whether male or female, minor or adult as long as he or she has the means to do so. The amount of Zakaat ul Fitr is $10 per person. Payment is encouraged as soon as possible to enable timely distribution.